Is Menu Manipulation Costing you Money?
Bernard Ross shows how decision science impacts on your personal life when you visit a restaurant, exposing the techniques use by restaurants to persuade us to spend more money.
A collection of blog posts contain insights about the inner workings of Decision Science.
Bernard Ross shows how decision science impacts on your personal life when you visit a restaurant, exposing the techniques use by restaurants to persuade us to spend more money.
(or a Philanthropic Pharmacist if it seems slightly classier…). This blog is taken from Making the Ask by Bernard Ross and Clare Segal. The book explores how to use neuroscience in major donor solicitation.
This blog describes a formula/ mnemonic that helps you create a suitable nudge to change behaviour. Nudge theory was developed by Nobel Prize winner Richard Thaler to describe an element of the decision architecture.
Given up on your New Year Resolutions already? Omar Mahmoud, Senior Consultant with the Decision Science team at =mc consulting explains why every year, fitness
This week at school my children have been learning all about coins, counting and the value of money. But in our house this has caused a challenge. We don’t have any cash, just cards! Result? We’ve scrabbling around- down the back of the sofa- trying to find coins and notes to help a six year old learn the value of money. So cash it appears is still something useful to know about, even for children. This experience has got me thinking though- as a fundraiser- do we still want notes, coins. To paraphrase Adventures of Stevie V do we still want ‘dirty cash’?
Covid19 is bringing out some great pieces of decision science thinking. Here 16 examples of how to get the handwashing message across. We probably need to vary these to keep people engaged. We especially love the virus decals.
If everyone is comparing the price of their product to a cup of coffee, what does a cup of coffee compare itself to? And what might that mean for fundraising?
They’re just trying to rationalise. (Tell you rational-lies!) Fundraising consultant Bernard Ross gets serious in part two of this #BlogOff, fighting the ‘no’ corner in
Bernard Ross, =mc Director and co-author of the best-selling book Change for Good – using behavioural economics for a better world blogs about why the
=mc director Bernard Ross and Omar Mahmoud Chief of Market Intelligence, UNICEF International presented a session at the National Fundraising Convention on behavioural economics. Below Omar Mahmoud
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